

Authentic Worship is a core value here at the Greenville Vineyard. We recognize that God wants us to live a lifestyle of worship, and allow Him to grow us into Christ-likeness through fellowship with the Holy Spirit.  The following is a good guide to let you know what we think concerning sung worship when we gather.

  1. Worship is not just about music, but an expression of love and adoration to God, and music is one of those tools.
  2. We value corporate worship, a time for the church body to experience God’s presence together.
  3. We value authentic worship, and encourage one another to seek a deep, honest relationship with God daily.
  4. Our vision for worship is to grow and develop worshippers and leaders to be used in the Kingdom of God in any number of expressions including, but not limited to, music, art and drama.
  5. Those interested in serving the worship ministry, speak to Danny Miller on Sunday.

To connect with Vineyard Worship nationally follow this link https://www.vineyardworship.com